2024 Blascksburg Football Schedule. 8/23 - Ware Shoals (home), 9/6 - Cherryville (home), 9/13 - Union County (home), 9/20 - Pageland Central (away), 9/27 - Broome (away), 10/4 - Chesnee (away), 10/11 - Landrum (homecoming / home), 10/18 - Bonnie Cone (away), 10/25 - Clinton (away), 11/1  - Liberty (Senior Night / home). All games start at 7:30 pm.
The last 2 years this young lady has contacted us to see what we needed. Then instead of receiving presents for her Birthday, she takes donations to buy those items! Thank you so much Kylee for your generosity! Happy 17th Birthday, we are so glad you were born!
Students in English Learner program will take their ACCESS for ELLs between January 22, 2024 and March 15, 2024. Please visit: https://www.fldoe.org/accountability/assessments/k-12-student-assessment/access-for-ells.stml for more detailed information or contact Kimberly Threadgill at 864-206-2426.
Blacksburg Athletecs. Jan. 22 / BMS at Campobello (6:00 / 7:00 pm) "Games at Landrum HS". Jan. 22 / JV vs Chesnee (6:00 / 7:15 pm) Jan. 23 varsity at Chesnee (6:00 / 7:30 pm). Jan. 24 / BMS Girls 1st round playoffs @ Jonesville (TBD). Jan. 26 / JV / Varsity vs GTC (5:00 / 6:30 / 8:00 pm) "Middle School Night"
Congratulations! BHS junior Paris Mayes and senior Jacob Gilfillan received Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Young Dream Awards at the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Breakfast.
Gaffney High School Financial Aid Night. Monday, January 22nd, 6:00 pm, GHS Auditorium. Seniors and their parents are invited to come learn everything you need to know about the new simplified FAFSA!
January 8-12 - iReady Diagnostics (Alg. 1 & Eng. 1), January - March - WIDA Testing (selected students), 2/27 - ACT / SAT - all Juniors (3rd year students), 3/27 - WIN Assessment - All Juniors (some seniors), 4/17 - Biology I - Field Test, 4/18 - English II - Writing field test, 5/1 - English II - EOC Writing, 5/6 - AP Art Exam, 5/8 - AP Computer Science / Senior Exams, 5/9 - Senior Exams, AP Psychology Exam, 5/10 - Biology I EOC, 5/13 - AP Calculus Exam, 5/14 - AP Language Exam, English II - EOC - Reading, 5/15 - Algebra I EOC, US History EOC, 5/16 - AP  World Exam (am) / AP Biology Exam (pm), Underclassmen Exams (EOC Make-ups), 5/17 - underclassmen exams (EOC Make-ups). ** Please note that the WIN Assessment date May change.
HAPPY 1,000 POINTS TO OUR VERY OWN, SHYRIQUE PARKER 🖤🏀  Shy is leaving tonight’s region win with some hardware after dropping 32 points against Landrum🐾 Congratulations Shy!!
Wildcat Track & Field Apparel Sale. Blacksburg Track and Filed. Orders due to Coach Sparks, February 15. All items are available in white, black or grey. Short sleeve - $15, long sleeve - $17, crewneck - $20, Hoodie - $25, *2XL and up add $2
All you can eat, $14.00 Fish Fry and bake sale. Saturday, Fecruary 17, 11:00 am - 7:00 pm. BHS cafeteria.  Plates include: fish (or chicken), fries, cole slaw, hushpuppies, water or tea. All you can eat is for dine in guests only. Take out is also available. We will be able to take debit / credit cards and cash at the door.
Only 24 more days until we get to see these amazing young ladies on stage!!  Mark your Calendar for Saturday February the 10th at 6:30. Pre-sale tickets will be available soon!  #underthenashvillelights #dywofblacksburg Photo Credit - Amanda Harrison
The 2023-2024 scholarship application is available.  The deadline to apply is Feb. 9th, 2024. https://spartanburgalumnaedst.org/scholarship  Contact us by email with questions at dstsac.scholarship@gmail.com. #dst1913 #dstsac1913 #SpartanburgDST #spartanburgalumnaedst #spartanburgdeltas #scholarship
Attendance Make-Up Day. January 27, 2024. 9:00 am - 12:00 pm BHS cafeteria. You must bring your charged laptop and plan to make up missed work. See Mrs. Dixon regarding attendance questions. mollie.dixon@cherokee1.org. 864-206-2403.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We hope everyone had a blessed MLK day; LOVE is the key
We are eager to watch you soar! We are 💯% ready to see you in action!
December Student Athlete of the month. Shyrique Parker. "Shyrique continues to excel both on and off the court as a leader. She does things the right way." Coach Bobby Rodgers. Sponsored by The Mountain Top Gy.
Visit SMC During enrollment days! Sign-up for your preferred arrival time at smcsc.edu/enrollmentdays. Friday, January 10 and Saturday, January 20
Congratulations to 11 of the 13 EMS students pictured below for  successfully  completing their Healthcare Provider BLS & First Aid Certification and receiving their certification cards and certificates on Thursday, January 11, 2024.  Way to go, Wildcat EMS students! 1.Amyah Merrell 2.Carter Gann 3.Alyssa Jackson  4.Tyeon Mayes 5.Amber Lovelace 6.Eathean Bloomer  7.Zoie Porter 8.Julie Carroll 9.Maynard Phillips 10.Cordasia Smith 11.Jarrett Alexander 12.Kayln Owens  13.Natalie Riddle
BHS early dismissal information. Friday, January 12 we will dismiss at 12:15 pm. Our 1st and 2nd block i2 students will report to the BHS auditorium, not i2. All afterschool activities and programs are canceled.