Yearbook (your name here!). Friday, January 27 deadline to order a yearbook with your name on it!
Last week, some of our students heard about career opportunities within the National Park Service. Cowpens National Battlefield rangers presented information about their park's history and the skills needed to work in this field. We appreciate their willingness to come and share career information with our students.
Alice and Wonderland. Auditions February 8-9 4:00 - 5:00 BHS Auditorium. Scripts available in the front office.
The 2023 Blacksburg High School Winterguard Presents "From the Ashes"
The school district is asking all stakeholders for feedback on the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar. Please view the three options and submit your vote for the option that best reflects your preferences. This survey will close on February 3, 2023.
Maggie Nix, Student Athlete of the Month. "Maggie is a captain on the cheer squad and has cheered for four years. She always gives her best in any task that she is given and is a great leader for the team. When under pressure, she gets in and gets the job done. Maggie never misses school or practice and maintains A averages in her grades. She represents BHS well as a student athlete! Mrs. Whitney Black, Cheer Coach. Uptown Grill student of the month sponsor
All you can eat fish fry and bake sale. Saturday February 11:00 am - 7:00 pm BHS 201 West Ramseur Dr. Blacksburg, SC. Plates include: Fish (or chicken), fries, cole slaw, hushpuppies, water or tea. All you can eat is for dine in guests only. Take out is also available. We will be able to take Debit / Credit Cards and Cash at the door. Sponsored by the BHS Wildcat Band.
BHS Talent Night. Unleash your incredible talent. March 30th BHS Auditorium. Audition dates are from January 30th. February 1st 9th - 12th grade welcomed to participate more information and registration. See Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Whitney Black. / Text @catstalent to 81010. $100 Prize for 1st place and $50 for 2nd
The Cherokee County Coalition Dr. Martin Luther King Community Prayer Breakfast was held this morning.   Youth Honoree Dream Award recipients from Blacksburg High are  Danica Henderson (pictured) and Omyireia Daniels (unable to attend).   Congratulations to Danica and O! We are so proud of you!
Friday, January 13th...scary only if you have not yet purchased a senior recognition ad in the yearbook! Tomorrow is the final deadline!
National School Board Appreciation Month, January 2023. Thank you for your service, CCSD School Board!
Congratulations! The following BHS band students scored high enough to qualify for auditions in the South Carolina All-State Band: Ivy Chen, Riley Foster, Jackson Lipe, and Mack Ware
Attention Parents. Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) conferences will begin in January and will end in May. During these meetings, counselors will meet with each student to discuss academic and career goals. Students will also be selecting their elective classes for next year. Contact the BHS guidance office at 864-206-2437 to schedule an appointment to participate with your student. Appointments are available during the school day beginning at 8:30.
National School Resource Officer Day, January 9, 2023. Thank you, Officer Law, for all you do to keep BHS safe!
Zac Painter, BHS alumni, spoke with college bound students interested in attending the Citadel. Zac graduated from BHS in 2021 and earned a full ride to attend the Citadel while majoring in electrical engineering.
Los estudiantes identificados como aprendices del idioma inglés (ELL, por sus siglas en inglés) deben tomar la evaluación ACCESS for ELLs®2.0 hasta que alcancen el puntaje mínimo estatal para ser considerados competentes en inglés. ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0 evalúa el dominio de los estudiantes en comprensión auditiva, expresión oral, lectura y escritura para medir el progreso en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés y el dominio social/académico actual del inglés.  La ventana de prueba es del 23 de enero al 10 de marzo, y su hijo está programado para la prueba entre esas fechas: El ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0 mide la competencia de los estudiantes en cuatro dominios. Cada estudiante tomará las subpruebas de escuchar, leer, hablar y escribir.  •	Los estudiantes de kínder tomarán una versión en papel y lápiz de cada subprueba. •	Los estudiantes en los grados 1-3 tomarán las evaluaciones de comprensión auditiva, lectura y expresión oral en la computadora. La escritura se administrará como una subprueba de papel y lápiz. •	Los estudiantes en los grados 4 y superiores tomarán las cuatro subpruebas en la computadora.     ¿Cómo deben los padres preparar a los estudiantes para ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0?  La Noche antes de la Prueba •	Hable con su hijo(a) sobre las inquietudes que pueda tener sobre la prueba. •	Su familia debe relajarse y disfrutar de la noche.  •	Su hijo(a) debe irse a la cama temprano.  •	Su hijo(a) no debe irse a la cama molesto o enojado.  •	Su hijo(a) debe dormir toda la noche. 	La mañana de la prueba •	Empezar su día como lo hace normalmente.  •	Proporcione a su hijo(a) un desayuno saludable.  •	Anime a su hijo(a) a tener una actitud positiva y hace lo que pueda en el examen.  •	Asegúrese de que su hijo(a) esté en la escuela a tiempo todos los días durante las pruebas.  •	Asegúrese de que su hijo(a) traiga anteojos recetados todos los días durante el examen, si corresponde.  Si tiene preguntas adicionales, comuníquese con la escuela de su hijo(a).
BHS students will be dismissed today at 12:15 pm instead of 12:45 today! The original dismissal accounted for bus travel time. Since our buses are already at the Middle School. WE do not need the extra 20 minutes. Have a great Holiday Break!
Spring Semester @ SCC. All spring semester dual enrollment students can  pick up schedules and order books on January 4 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Cherokee Campus. New dual enrollment students are required to attend orientation on January 4 anytime between 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. Please reach out to Mrs. Painter with any questions.
2023 When students return on January 4, BHS will fully enforce the following: IDs MUST BE WORN at all times while in the building. NO hats or head coverings. NO holes in jeans above fingertip length. NO crop tops. Shorts and shirts MUST BE fingertip length. ALL leggings must have a shirt to cover front and back. NO pajamas NO bedroom shoes.