Welcome to the Department of Food Services

Mrs. Sandra Littlejohn
Director of Food Service
Mission Statement
To support the education process of the Cherokee County School District by providing quality meals and services that meet federal and state guidelines; providing good customer service; and being a high performing department.
Pay Lunch Money Online
myschoolbucks.com is a service open to all students in Cherokee County Schools. This allows parents to set up an account for their child/children to pay lunch fees securely online. With this service you never have to worry about writing another check or sending lunch money to school. Parents can also view account history to see how their money is being spent.
Community Eligibility Schools
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a provision from the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act that allows schools and local educational agencies to provide breakfast and lunch at no charge for all students enrolled in the school. Students enrolled in these schools will not need to fill out a Free & Reduced Lunch Application. Every school in Cherokee County is a CEP school, meaning that all students eat breakfast and lunch for free. Students may still want to bring money so that they can purchase Smart Snacks.

Contact Us
Cherokee County School District
Food Service Department
131 Twin Lake Road
Gaffney, SC 29340
Phone: 864-206-6424