School Security Measures
Ident-A-Kid Visitor Management
As an added safety measure to our schools, any visitor or volunteer that enters into a building must sign into our Ident-A-Kid Visitor Management system and show State form of identification. The system will generate a name badge that must be worn the entire time a visitor or volunteer is in the school. Our Ident-A-Kid system allows administrators and SROs to have an accurate account of all individuals in the building during an emergency as well as manage who is allowed in and out of the school.
Security Vestibules
Cherokee County School District received a $1 Million State Grant in October 2017 to install security cameras in all county middle schools and elementary schools over the past year. Double-locked security vestibules have been installed at all main school entrances as part of the district's $67 Million Building Program. Visitors must be buzzed into the school buildings from an outdoor intercom system.